How Solertek Is Different Than Other Solar Companies

Solertekgoes beyond solar.

All solar power companies claim to offer the same benefits. They insist that they can help you save money, but they don’t always give you a clear vision as to how they’ll do so. Many Americans are looking for the best solar panels at the lowest price, aiming to see their quality of life improve tenfold. At Solertek, we go beyond solar, ultimately hoping to increase the value of your home within one simple upgrade.

Man wearing a hard hat installing solar panels


After years in the solar industry, Solertek has cracked the code. We’ve figured out how to deliver the best solar panels to all of our customers, ensuring that they come back for more, while referring their friends to our services. We hope that as you continue to learn about all of the amazing benefits of solar power, you will be encouraged to make the switch to solar everywhere that you can.

Solar panels on a home with red clay tile shingles


The best solar panels for your home can save you money, energy, and time. You’ll notice that electronics operate more smoothly, causing less stress in your day-to-day life. You’ll also notice that your utility bills will be significantly lower, since you’ll be collaborating with the sheer willpower of the sun to run your home’s electronics.

Large rows of solar panels set up in a field


Business owners can also reap the benefits of solar power from Solertek. Our services give business owners a 26% tax credit. Local businesses need all the help they can when tax time comes around, and we want to help in any way that we can. This tax credit can ensure that you’re focusing on the work that matters while the sun does the heavy lifting.

Clear jar of coins tipped over with many coins spilling out onto a table


Solertek operates with your budget, and the environment, in mind. We want to encourage everyone to make the switch to solar, so we offer financing that works around your budget. Our financing options make it easy to go beyond solar, and you can get preapproved for our incredible financing options to get the maximum energy efficiency.

Solar power is one of the best ways that you can enhance your home or workspace. This energy efficient solution reduces your utility bill, helps the environment, and gives you a 26% tax break. If you’ve been thinking about switching to solar, but don’t know where to start, Solertek can help. We would rather you switch to solar sooner rather than later!

Contact us today!